专联译盟重视人才,秉承并坚持工匠精神,不断拓展、培养优秀的翻译行业相关人才,通过广泛招募及和谐相处,凝聚了各界资深翻译从业人才及团队,依托专注于相关行业全球化业务领域的翻译服务平台,打造了一支执行力强、高效的优秀翻译服务团队。 继往开来,专联译盟诚邀翻译行业的各类人才加入我们的团队,专联译盟将以“宽广的胸怀、专心的态度、专业的管理及培训”为广大翻译从业人才及团队提供优质的翻译服务平台,不断提升专联译盟的核心竞争力。让我们携手并进,共同发展,共同助力客户提升品牌形象、提高市场开发效率、规范经营管理、成就健康持续的发展格局。 有关各笔译招聘岗位的试译内容如下: |
Electrical cabinets, panels, and panel-boards shall be constructed from 3 millimeter steel plate with reinforced steel frame members, cast or welded as required, to provide true surfaces and adequate support for devices mounted therein. Cabinets, panels, and panel-boards shall be of adequate strength to support mounted components during shipping and to support a concentrated load of 98 kilograms on the top after erection. Free-standing cabinets, panels, and panel-boards shall have hinged lockable covers and shall be a maximum of 2.5 meters high, less than 5.2 meters wide, and less than 0.81 meter deep.
Corrosion-resistant conduit boxes, separate from the main leads terminal housing shall be provided for current transformer secondary leads, motor space heater leads, partial discharge monitoring, temperature detectors and leads, and vibration monitors. Accessories with leads insulated for different voltage classifications shall not occupy the same conduit box.
电力工程中英互译测试(原文).docx | 下载 |
第十九条 公司股东承担以下义务:
The company’s lien, if any, on a share extends to all creditors' rights, retention of lien and the realization of lien, liquidated damages, interest, damages, dividends, subject to correlative laws and regulations.
Variation of Rights
Shares referred to in paragraph 11 can be issued with deferred, perferred, or other special rights or restrictions, whether in regard to dividend, voting, return of capital, or otherwise, as the directors, subject to any ordinary resolution of the company, determine.
Responsibility for Indemnity
Every auditor should be indemnified out of the assets of the company against any liability incurred by the auditor in defending any proceedings, whether criminal or civil , in which the judgment is given in the auditor's favour or in which the auditor is acquitted or in connection with any application under the Act in which relief is granted to the auditor by the Court in respect of any negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust.
法律文件中英互译测试(原文).docx | 下载 |
The Oily Water Separator Polisher Systemshall be provided for the enhanced gravity separation of oil from the Oily Water Separator Basin. The treated water from outlet section of the Oily Water Separator Basin is pumped out using the feed pumps of the OilyWater Separator Polisher System for further removal of oil using coalescingfilter elements before discharge to the inlet of the Waste Water StorageBasins. The recovered oil from thepolisher units is removed by a polisher oil recovery pump, and pumped to theRecovered Oil Tank. Drainsand overflows from the equipment shall be routed to the inlet section of the Oily Water Separator Basin.
机械中英互译测试(原文).docx | 下载 |
All civil work shall be in accordance with local and National codes and shall meet the seismic requirements of Section 3.1.1 at a minimum.
The boiler and the steam turbine foundations shall be installed flush with the area paving.
All electrical Equipment, rotating Equipment, heat exchangers, coolers, water treatment Equipment, chemical feed Equipment, tanks, etc. shall be installed on 8 inches housekeeping pads or their foundations shall extend 8 inches above the area paving. All platform mounted I/O cabinets shall be mounted on concrete floor mats and provided with vibration isolating mounts.
All concrete finishes shall be smooth, uniform and without voids. Final surface shall be a high quality steel-troweled finish. Where concrete forms are used, no exposed aggregate, rebar, or grounding tie wire shall be allowed on above ground or underground concrete. All concrete shall meet the requirements of Specification A.
工程中英互译测试(原文).docx | 下载 |
Según las condiciones geográficas del presente proyecto, se plantea usar el barro original básico en la zona montañosa y la zona no afectada al agua subterránea, el barro original básico tiene superioridades económicas relativamente buenas, además durante la construcción se necesita menos excavaciones o sin excavaciones por lo cual se puende permanecer la geografía y la topografía de la área donde están las torres. Encuanto a las zonas con aguas subterráneas poco profundo, con fundamento detierra de pobre capacidad de soporte, así que no son adecuadas usar el barrooriginal básico para el cimento, se planea aplicar la base de tipo de columnasesgas y la base de placas grandes para reducir la profudidad del cimento yfacilitar la construcción. En las zonas que tienen posibilidad de encontraranegaciones y erosiones de ríos, se planea usar el pilar para la construcción decimento, para garantizar que las torres funcionen con seguridad.
中西互译测试(原文).docx | 下载 |
Licença ambiental temporária, renovável, que autoriza o início de implantação do empreendimento, obtida pela contratada, junto aos órgãos ambientais licenciadores, cuja emissão é um dos marcos liberatórios para a implantação. Vias de acesso de construção é a ligação entre a via pública mais próxima disponível e o local de execução dos trabalhos. A propriedade de todos os bens, serviços, obras, materiais e equipamentos a serem fornecidos, relativos à implantação do empreendimento, será transferida automaticamente à contratada, na data de emissão do certificado de aceitação provisória. No caso de softwares, tecnologias exclusivas, know-how, patentes e quaisquer direitos de propriedade intelectual, a contratada terá licença permanente de uso, manutenção, operação e reparo. A contratada não será responsável por nenhum pagamento relativo a quaisquer patentes, royalties, direitos autorais e outros eventuais direitos relativos à tecnologia envolvida no empreendimento.
中葡互译测试(原文).docx | 下载 |
Dieses handbuch enthält hinweise, die sie zu ihrer persönlichen sicherheit sowie zur vermeidung von sachschäden beachten müssen. die hinweise zu ihrer persönlichen sicherheit sind durch ein warndreieck hervorgehoben, hinweise zu alleinigen sachschäden stehen ohne warndreieck. Gerätehandbücher enthalten eine kompakte beschreibung der modulspezifischen informationen wie eigenschaften, das systemhandbuch beschreibt ausführlich die projektierung, montage, verdrahtung und inbetriebnahme des dezentralen peripheriesystems unterstützt sie bei der projektierung und programmierung. SS system bietet eine Vielzahl von Funktionen: firmwareaktualisierung der CPU, auslesen von SCADA-Fehlerinformation, betriebsartenumstellung RUN/STOP, rücksetzen auf Werkseinstellungen.
中德互译测试(原文).docx | 下载 |
II incombe au client d‘empêcher tout accès non autorisé à ses installations, systèmes, machines et réseaux. Les systèmes, machines et composants doivent uniquement être connectés au réseau d’entreprise ou à Internet si et dans la mesure où c’est nécessaire et si des mesures de protection correspondantes ont été prises. Prêter une attention particulière aux recommandations de danger signalées dans le manuel par le symbole respectif. II faut prendre des mesures adéquates pour une période supplémentaire d'entreposage provisoire, ne pas exposer les emballages à d'autres sollicitations mécaniques nuisibles.
中法互译测试(原文).docx | 下载 |
Siprecisa di notare che possiamo richiedere al cliente di dimostrare la suaidentità e ci riserviamo il diritto di addebitare un costo ove consentito dallalegge. Attribuiamo una grande importanza alla sicurezza di tutti i datipersonali relativi ai nostri utenti (ad esempio: nome, sesso, età, occupazione, recapiti, ecc.) e adottiamo misure di sicurezza per proteggere i dati personalia fronte, alterazione, divulgazione non autorizzata. Sebbene ci adoperiamo almeglio per proteggere i dati personali del cliente, non possiamo garantire chei dati personali a noi comunicati dal cliente saranno sicure.
中意互译测试(原文).docx | 下载 |